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Series of potholes re opened after 2 weeks

Reported via desktop in the Pothole category anonymously at 09:05, Mon 1 February 2021

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 35 minutes later

Series of potholes caused by speeding lorries. Braking on the curve of the road, spraying pedestrians with muck. The holes re-opend after 2 weeks. Is it time for a speed camera? It would be more ecomonical than 2 weekly repairs.

Council ref: ENQ21885938

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 09:06, Mon 1 February 2021

  • Why hasn't the stretch of Bloxham Road been resurfaced from the Queensway / Easington Road junction up to Beargarden Road..... this potholes are endless and are constantly being patched so are not fit for purpose. Furthemore, with the speeding lorries throughout the night you can hear the lorries coming for 15-20 doors away then the whole house shakes as they go by causing damage to properties along Bloxham Road by shaking caused by the lorries

    Posted anonymously at 11:31, Mon 1 February 2021

  • The Highways guys have just appeared on Bloxham Road (by Harriers) to patch the one hole, leaving the multiple pot holes between Number 60 heading towards BearGarden Road.... Surely this cannot be cost effective patching one hole at a time on different visits when the whole road surface especially townwards is in such poor condition and now damaging properties along the road. You spend millions on the A361 cycle route towards Bloxham yet completely overlook the main section of the road in Banbury itself which arguably gets more use

    Posted anonymously at 13:45, Mon 1 February 2021

  • Thank you for your enquiry. We have investigated your report and it has been actioned to be fixed.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:29, Tue 2 February 2021

  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:33, Mon 8 February 2021

  • Not fixed

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 10:03, Mon 1 March 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Cant walk on the pavement along this road during and after rain. Dont like being splashed with mud and rocks, by speeding articulated lorries and vehicles. 1..Please can we have a speed camera? 2..Please can we lower the speed limit ? so that potholes dont open up 2 weeks after they were filled? thank you

    Posted anonymously at 11:30, Mon 29 March 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • 1.Please can we have a speed camera so that traffic does not have to brake so fast? Would help win a loosing battle against pot holes and make the pavement safer. 2.Can you please sweep the pavement? Rocks from the left over pot hole repairs and dangerous for pedestrians. thank you

    Posted anonymously at 12:05, Mon 26 April 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Potholes on Bloxham Rd continue to be dangerous for pedestrians and motorist alike. Please slow the traffic down and sweep the pavements

    Posted anonymously at 13:36, Mon 24 May 2021

  • Potholes on Bloxham Rd continue to be dangerous for pedestrians and motorist alike. Please slow the traffic down and sweep the pavements

    Posted anonymously at 17:22, Thu 10 June 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Have just seen lorry spray a poor pedestrian with stones , mud and 'used face masks', sopping wet and trying to go to work. (In uniform). Pools of water by the gutter which was 'cleared' this morning by Oxfordshire county. Seems to be worse than ever. Please look at1. a drainage solution ,2. a speed reduction and 3.bollards on the pavement to stop traffic driving on the pedestrians pavement.

    Posted anonymously at 13:19, Fri 18 June 2021

  • This problem has not been fixed. Potholes are widening and the pavement is not safe a a consequence

    Posted anonymously at 18:53, Thu 24 June 2021

  • It is very difficult to walk on the pavement due to the stones from the potholes. Some people are unsteady, and cant exercise as a consequence.

    Posted anonymously at 17:55, Thu 8 July 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • More stones and rocks on pavement. Trip hazard . Please can you slow down the traffic on Bloxham Rd. Please look after disabled persons. They pay Council tax too!

    Posted anonymously at 18:17, Thu 5 August 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Raining . Lorries splashing pedestrains with Mud and Stones. Please fix drainage Please slow down traffic. Please make pavement safe for disabled and pedestrians

    Posted anonymously at 12:02, Mon 9 August 2021

  • Ad hoc repairs don't address the ongoing issue of overweight vehicles breaking the speed limit, sunken parts of the road relating the potholes as the axles bounce along . Rocks on the pavements affect not only the elderly, young, disabled, exercising families, dog walkers. We need a safe pavement too . Please sweep the pavements and roads , fix the holes , and slow down the traffic, so tax payers can go about their daily lives, thank you

    Posted anonymously at 09:31, Fri 3 September 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

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