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Recurrent flooding on corner of Woodstock Road and Stonesfield Lane

Reported via mobile in the Blocked Drain / Gully category anonymously at 17:20, Tue 5 January 2021

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

Thank you for including the road’s drainage in the forthcoming gully cleansing programme as per your response on 5th January 2021 to my previous report, which is very welcome.

However, given the recurrent nature of this issue, and its potential seriousness, I believe that a more structural solution is required.

Not only does the flooding already inundate houses on Woodstock Road, it is perilously close to the electricity sub-station on the corner of Woodstock Road and Stonesfield Lane, which sits below the level of the road and thus is vulnerable to future flooding incidents.

These incidents have been getting worse in recent years, particularly since newer developments further up the hill on Woodstock Road likely cause increased storm water run-off. This means that the infrastructure down the hill needs to be modified to cope.

Council ref: ENQ21883785

Asset ID: 291090046

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:20, Tue 5 January 2021

  • Apologies for the delay in response. Due to the length of time since it was reported please can you confirm if it is still an issue by creating another report on Fix My Street.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:49, Tue 31 October 2023

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