Many potholes along the whole stretch of Akeman Streer
Reported via desktop in the Pothole category anonymously at 09:29, Wed 11 November 2020
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later
The example shown is a pothole almost immediately outside my gate. However, there are many more along the whole stretch of the road. It is particularly bad near St. John’s House. This has been an issue for a very long time. These potholes are likely to get worse when traffic increases due to Akeman Street being a diversion route when the B4022 is closed in a few weeks time. Also, is it possible to have the speed limit changed to 20mph as you enter the village as people tend to speed along our street?
Council ref: ENQ20880262
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 09:30, Wed 11 November 2020
Thank you for your enquiry. We have investigated your report and it has been actioned to be fixed.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 12:03, Tue 1 December 2020
Lots of holes along Akeman Street towards the High Street have been marked in preparation for repair, but nothing indicated to show that there will be any repairs between the park and St. Johns house. This stretch is in dire need of repair as it is too difficult to see how big the pot holes are when they are full of water.
Posted anonymously at 10:41, Wed 9 December 2020
Still open, via questionnaire -
State changed to: Fixed
Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:53, Mon 14 December 2020
Many thanks for the holes which were fixed. Unfortunately, many marked holes were not filled because the markings had been washed away before the works team visited our street along from Woodland View down towards the War Memorial. From the play park down to the B4022, nothing has been done and the road is abysmal near and around St. John’s house. I can no longer drive down there in my car!! With the recent rains large potholes have been obscured making the road an obstacle course. Lucky if you don’t hit a pothole. Would like to know when Akeman Street will be brought back to acceptional standards considering it dates back to when the Romans were here?!!!
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 11:45, Wed 6 January 2021
Still open, via questionnaire -
Still open, via questionnaire, 15:32, Wed 3 February 2021
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