Brand new cycle lane always blocked
Reported via Android in the Highway Schemes category anonymously at 15:13, Mon 9 November 2020
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later
The high quality new cycle lanes installed here are constantly blocked by cars making them unusable. Please can you paint double yellow lines either side of the chicanes so they do not become a white elephant. Many thanks.
Council ref: ENQ20880145
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 15:14, Mon 9 November 2020
And again today. Note there are plenty of spaces within 20 metres, it is just people prioritising blocking a cycle lane versus walking a short distance.
Posted anonymously at 13:21, Tue 10 November 2020
Once again. I could post an image every day taking the kids too and from school if needed.
Suffice to say given up on the idea of cycling to school as chances are we can't use this cycle lane, forcing us back into the pinch point as before. Nightmare with kids. The longer this is left the more people will park blocking the lane "because everyone else does it".
Posted anonymously at 12:21, Wed 18 November 2020
Worth posting DfT guidance
"6.4.9 Advisory lanes should only be used when limitations on the overall space available mean that motor vehicles will sometimes need to enter the cycle lane. Advisory lanes are not recommended where they are likely to be blocked by parked vehicles. [...]
6.4.18 Cycle lanes are only useful when they are clear of parking and loading activity – see Figure 6.22. Cycle lanes should always be kept clear by the appropriate use of parking and loading restrictions."
Hopefully double yellow lines or similar can be introduced in accordance with 6.4.18.
Posted anonymously at 12:38, Wed 18 November 2020
Dear Residents,
Thank you for reporting the issues to OCC. We have discussed some options and agreed to start a TRO process with yellow lines to officially restrict parking on the cycle approach lanes in the reported area.
The process will likely take 4 months.
Thank you. Kind Regards OCC
Posted anonymously at 14:52, Thu 19 November 2020
Hi Joanna,
Can I confirm the TRO/yellow lines will cover the area both sides of the cycle bypass - e.g. the road once the cyclist has passed the chicane, as well as the cycle lane? This is the area most often blocked.
Many thanks.
Posted anonymously at 15:10, Thu 19 November 2020
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