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Visitor parking blocking highway

Reported in the Roads and Carriageways category anonymously at 17:08, Fri 21 August 2020

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

I write in relation to the burgeoning volume of road traffic seeking to park In Old Minster Lovell, both on the village lane and lane towards the church and ruins.

Visitor numbers have increased steadily over the past 10 years and, now coupled with the impact of COVID-19, additional local housing and school holidays, the subject lanes are generally impassable.

The aggressive nature of the visitors has given rise to road rage, the regular use of private property to turn vehicles, and an apparent entitlement to simply park anywhere.

Given the width of the subject lanes narrow, in places to 2.5 metres, it is inconceivable that emergency vehicles could access the homes of residents to attend emergency. Please do not take this point lightly. A situation is likely to occur that will result in death or property loss.

We, along with other residents have raised complaints with the police, parish council, highways authority and OCC. These are all recorded and available.

It is suggested that a good and simple starting point would be the application of double yellow lines in areas where lanes become too narrow to pass if vehicles are parked there. This would empower police to pursue violations and encourage visitors to park remotely and walk into the village. It might be that the area of land at the top of the village, favoured by the travelling community, might become a car park during peak hours.

In sum, Old Minster Lovell cannot cope with the volume of visitor parking, the aggressive and entitled attitude of visitors and the the risk to life and property caused by blocked lanes.

Your kind and urgent attention in this matter is very much appreciated.

Council ref: ENQ20874303

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:08, Fri 21 August 2020

  • Apologies for the delay in response. Due to the length of time since it was reported please can you confirm if it is still an issue by creating another report on Fix My Street.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:49, Tue 31 October 2023

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