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Overgrown hedges making virtually impossible to walk along the pavement

Reported in the Grass category anonymously at 10:05, Wed 27 May 2020

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

The hedge is very overgrown making it impossible to stick to the pavement, with a push chair of wheel chair you would be forced to walk on the grass.

Council ref: ENQ20865849

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:06, Wed 27 May 2020

  • I walk past 11 Darrell Way every day and this large hedge has now almost taken over the pavement. This is making it very difficult for pedestrians, disabled and pushchairs to use and it’s got to be damaging council property! This needs sorting out as soon as possible especially with the schools returning. Perhaps you should issue a weeks warning notice to say if it not removed by then your own contractors will remove and dispose off at the residence costs.....

    Posted anonymously at 20:14, Wed 3 June 2020

  • I’m surprised the council haven’t done anything about this as everyone has to walk on the grass. It must be damaging the public footpath and it’s very inconsiderate for the disabled and pushchairs.

    Posted anonymously at 12:08, Fri 2 April 2021

  • I walked past the other day and now that there are no leaves on the hedge you can clearly see how much it is over the footpath there is a least a foot and half overhanging the pavement.

    Posted anonymously at 09:25, Tue 6 April 2021

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