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Deep potholes that are in appalling condition

Reported in the Pothole category anonymously at 12:11, Wed 1 January 2020

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 9 minutes later

This whole road has been in appalling condition for months and is dangerous to drive on, however the council seem to think that patching the road is the solution however after a few weeks it collapses because of all the lorries.

This whole road needs a full resurface especially when we all pay our road tax.

Council ref: ENQ20851937

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 12:20, Wed 1 January 2020

  • Follow up photos 12 inches deep

    Posted anonymously at 12:55, Wed 1 January 2020

  • Thank you for your enquiry. We have investigated your report and it has been actioned to be fixed.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 11:11, Thu 9 January 2020

  • I hit these this morning! Can you do anything between now and when you intend to fix them? Cones or something?! I had to pull over to check I hadn't got a puncture. I haven't checked my alloys but if there's damage I will be billing you. The problem was raised with the council in October as far as I can tell and you have not sufficiently resolved it.

    Posted anonymously at 11:46, Fri 10 January 2020

  • Absolute disgrace, these potholes are very dangerous, I hit one last night & will get my car checked today. If a motorcycle hits one I fear the worse. Get them fixed please.

    Posted anonymously at 08:52, Tue 14 January 2020

  • I have hit this pothole tonight and can’t believe that it was reported in the 1st of January and still nothing has been done to repair this problem. If my tyre is down in the morning I shall be claiming against the council

    Posted anonymously at 21:33, Wed 15 January 2020

  • I hit these potholes yesterday afternoon while slowing down to avoid the other cars being recovered after also hitting the potholes. My car was so badly damaged that in the two hours it took me to be recovered, there were four other cars in total, who also had the same problem and needed recovery. More photos including other cars and recovery trucks in the next post.

    Posted anonymously at 11:46, Tue 21 January 2020

  • More pictures of the potholes and queue of cars, and damaged vehicles in the process of being recovered. After speaking to my insurance company I was advised reported these incidents to 101 and was put through to the police control centre.

    Posted anonymously at 11:46, Tue 21 January 2020

  • Hit these potholes late Friday afternoon causing damaged to alloy wheel and bulge in tyre wall, estimated replacement costs £360 +vat!! Reported the potholes to the Council this morning after taking photos yesterday lunchtime . Another vehicle was there with a broken wishbone, awaiting a recovery vehicle as car too badly damaged to move! Council took the details and also asked me to contact police on 101. I did this and have been advised that they would send someone out this morning to investigate. Shocking to see that this was reported back in October and no action taken. Extremely dangerous even in daylight due to oncoming traffic and just before the bend and the road off to the left. Appalling!! Terry McKee, Hook Norton Resident

    Posted anonymously at 14:55, Tue 21 January 2020

  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 14:33, Fri 24 January 2020

  • This road is already starting to go it cant just be patched some parts of the road are as old as my grandma

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 12:35, Wed 29 January 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still being forced into dangerous holes by oncoming traffic despite many reports spanning several months and accounts of damage being caused. Does it require a casualty to get a satisfactory repair?

    Posted anonymously at 17:24, Thu 13 February 2020

  • More than a month on from informing Oxfordshire council about this series of dangerous potholes on the approach to a junction which damaged my alloy and tyre. I am still dodging them with difficulty due to oncoming traffic. This is a very busy road and I feel pity for anyone who is not aware of the shocking state of this road and goes on to damage their vehicle needlessly as the council have been aware of this damage for many months now. I hope everyone who suffers damage makes a claim through the small claims court.

    Posted anonymously at 12:18, Thu 20 February 2020

  • 43 days after reporting damage caused to my vehicle by these potholes I am still dodging them to avoid more damage. Also still waiting to hear a refusal from the council to pay for the damage to my car. I hope all those who have suffered damage in the last 43 days also claim from the council and please be advised that apparently the council carried out their annual inspection on the 9 January and STILL have not fix this dangerous series of holes.

    Posted anonymously at 16:25, Thu 27 February 2020

  • I have witnessed at least 4 vehicles being towed or repaired on the road side after hitting these pot holes in the last 4 days. The road needs to be properly repaired. Do we have to wait until a fatality occurs as a direct result of either avoiding the holes and hitting another oncoming vehicle. What do we all pay council tax for? Clearly these holes are not on the priority list for the council but come March our tax bills will be through our letter boxes......

    Posted anonymously at 09:17, Fri 28 February 2020

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